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About the Wiki and the Subcouncil

Page history last edited by jeffrey levy 15 years, 7 months ago

Government Social Media

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About the Wiki & Subcouncil


Who We Are

The Social Media Subcouncil is a group of government web managers at the federal, state, and local levels bringing together social media best practices and other resources for the benefit of government agencies. The Subcouncil operates under the Federal Web Managers Council.


Wiki Scope

The Subcouncil uses this wiki to engage the community at large in discussion and to research various topics.  We define the community to include anyone worldwide, whether a government employee or not, who is interested in how government can take advantage of social media tools and concepts to advance agency missions. Because anyone may contribute, information in this wiki does not represent any government agency or policy, nor does it necessarily represent a complete picture of any issue.


Contact Us

Please contact us with questions or suggestions, or just to introduce yourself.


Next Steps

After reviewing community input, we'll refine our resources and post final documents and snapshots of ongoing research to the social media section of webcontent.gov.


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