
Getting Your Video Posted to EPA's YouTube Channel

Page history last edited by jeffrey levy 14 years, 3 months ago

Want to edit and use for your own organization?  Please delete all EPA-specific information.


Other EPA social media guidance


EPA has one YouTube channel:  http://www.youtube.com/usepagov

Adding your video to our YouTube channel will help get it seen by a wide audience. Our YouTube channel is a supplement to epa.gov - your videos must be available on your Web page before it can be posted to YouTube. As with all Web content, your video on epa.gov must be captioned as per Section 508 (Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended, 29 U.S.C. 794d) And, as with all agency products, work with your content coordinator to have your video approved by Product Review, while also ensuring that the video satisfies applicable ethics, policy, and guidance requirements (see References at the end of this document).


To submit your video for posting to the YouTube channel, copy the checklist (below) into an email with the subject line “Video Submission for YouTube” and send it to OWC (the Office of Web Communications).


When submitting your video for posting to EPA’s YouTube channel, please make sure that your submission is complete. Since videos cannot be posted without all of the requested information, please do not submit incomplete requests. If you are posting a Spanish language video, please provide the below information in Spanish as well. Please use a separate e-mail for each video title. (Just copy the bulleted list below, paste into an e-mail and insert links/attachments/text into the bullets to include the information).


To ensure accurate posting, please wait to submit until you have all information and are able to include all of the following:


  • Your contact information: (phone, email)
  • Video title: (title should be short with most relevant words first (better for the way they show up in searches)
  • The video: (in the highest quality resolution you have)
  • Link to accessible version of this video on epa.gov: (for more about Section 508 accessibility and EPA, check out epa.gov/accessibility)
  • Transcript: (VERBATIM, this will be used to caption the video on YouTube since YouTube “strips out” any existing captioning from videos already Closed Captioned)
  • Brief description of the video: (who, what, when, where)
  • Tags: (good tagging makes it more likely that your video will be found by search engines. Make sure your tags are comprehensive and complete. Please send tags as a series of key words separated by spaces. Make sure to Include US EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency.)
  • Link(s) to web page(s) for more information: (use format below, filling in the parentheses)


For more information about [topic], go to [URL]


  • Specific event or date for posting, if any*: (date that you’d like the video to be posted) *Specific dates cannot be guaranteed, but we will try to accommodate requests






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