EPA Facebook Guidance

We are revising the step-by-step instructions to reflect changes in how Facebook pages work.


Want to edit and use for your own organization?  Please delete all EPA-specific information.


Other EPA social media guidance


Note: EPA’s official use of Facebook is still evolving. As of July 2011, we are no longer approving Facebook pages for specific programs or projects.  Instead, please share through EPA's main Facebook page (http://facebook.com/epa).  This approach provides a single EPA face to the world, gets your info seen by tens of thousands of people on Facebook, and takes the burden off of you to post so frequently.  We are, however, looking for geographically-specific accounts intended to interact with specific communities.  In some cases, regional office-based accounts are the best we can do.  But we especially encourage you to think at a more local level.


Note: Remember that your official activities on-line are subject to the ethics regulations as well as other federal and agency laws, policies and regulations.  In addition, existing policies and guidance for accessibility, privacy, external site links, cookies and writing style apply to social media tools as well. References to these are included at the end of this document.


Background: What is Facebook?

Facebook provides EPA with a platform to share announcements, requests for feedback, questions, and links with an interested community, and also gives people a place to share with each other. Unlike a private Facebook “profile,” Facebook “pages” permit people to become “fans” (or, as of April 2010, to “like”) of our page without our express approval. Our posts to our pages appear on our fans’ home pages.


Note: Facebook pages are different from profiles; Facebook does not allow organizations like EPA to have a profile; instead businesses and organizations use “pages”.


Why use Facebook?

Facebook can be a complex, sometimes confusing system to use.  The guidance below covers the basics, but you will need to experiment and explore to truly learn your way around.  Please contribute comments and suggestions to this guidance and include your best practices as a member of the Facebook community.


Contact: your content coordinator should contact Jeffrey Levy n the Office of Web Communications (OWC) for approval of a Facebook account.


Initial steps 

Requests for Facebook accounts should be reviewed and approved by OWC before you begin posting content.


Get approval from

1.    Your manager; and

2.    Your content coordinator (see http://www.epa.gov/webgovernance/leadership.html to find your content coordinator); and

3.    OWC (your content coordinator will get this for you).


Develop your strategy


What can you use Facebook for?


Create account


Initial setup and configuration


There are several steps to setting up your page after creating your account.  You can’t set up everything from one place on Facebook.  We provide some details below but you may need to search the Facebook help system for additional details.


WALL tab


Change the photo


Write Something About section…


Post Policies box using FBML


Add the main EPA page and Administrator Jackson pages to your page’s favorites




Edit Basic Info & Detailed Info


Don’t forget to save your changes!




Click “Edit Page” under the EPA seal in the upper left corner of the wall tab.  There are several sections on this page.

Settings: these should match the screen shot below.  You will change the “Published” setting later. 



Wall Settings: on your wall, click the “settings” button on the right side and change them to match those shown in this screen shot (explanations below): 


Mobile: As of February 2010, no EPA page is yet using these settings.  Please contribute guidance for this section if you experiment with it.


Publish and manage your page

On the editing page, return to the first “Settings” section and change “Published Status” to “Published (publicly visible)”.  You may change this setting back to “Unpublished” later if you need to.


Remove ads

As soon as you’ve published, remove third-party ads from the right sidebar by sending an email to usgovernment@facebook.com.  In the email:

Note: Facebook’s own ads will still appear


Get a Facebook Username (Short URL)

Once you have 25 fans, get a short, easy-to-remember URL

Go to http://www.facebook.com/username.  You’ll see a link “Set a username for your Pages” that lets you set a username for your page.  No need to create a profile:

Click that to get the following.  Choose your page and then enter a name according to our naming convention (”epaXXX” where “XXX” describes your topic):

Promote your page

You can’t friend someone the way you can from a Facebook profile. People can elect to become fans of your Page, but only if they know about it.

It will take time to build your fan base; keep sending out invites and promoting your page.


Manage your page


Section 508 and other federal policies


Moderating comments and fan posts

Review comments and other fan content like posts, photos, and videos against the comment policy.


Never simply delete comments and other fan-generated content! If content does not meet the comment policy, retain the entire item and as much detail as possible (fan name, the date and time of posting, etc.) in an offline format.  For example, comments can be stored in a simple Word document.  Store multimedia content in its native format and note the details in the same Word document. Capture enough about the post and the response so that someone reading about it later gets the context. Also note the reason why the content did not meet the comment policy.  Then delete it from your page.


See Appendix 1: Example of unapproved comments.


Metrics and Security

Review Facebook metrics via the “Insights” link in the left sidebar (visible only to page admins).  Tracking metrics allows you to:

Keep it secure. Since Facebook is outside EPA’s control, security risks could arise from using certain applications or features.  Proper security practices will be discussed by the Facebook community of practice (communities of practice are made up of agency Facebook administrators).  If you know of specific problems and solutions, please provide guidance for this section.


Further options - fine tune and add features

Discussion Boards




Static FBML

Static FBML is a special application that allows you to create boxes either on the Boxes tab or on the Wall tab.  Boxes have a title and content, and you can use normal HTML in the content section.   Each box you create will appear in the list of applications on the editing page; from there, you can control where the box appears.  As of February 2010, you can only have four boxes on the left sidebar.

Add this application: http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=4949752878


Links, Notes, Photos, Videos, and other applications: if you try these, please contribute guidance on how to set them up and how best to use them.


Live streaming video: There is an app to display live video.  Please contact OPA to discuss.





EPA Policy:




Additional resources:


Appendix 1: Example of unapproved comments

Copy the following text into a document and keep a copy of all unapproved comments, and why they were not approved:


Unapproved Facebook Comments Other than Spam

This document shows all comments, other than spam, that we haven’t approved.  Potential reasons for not approving a comment:

Paste in new ones at the bottom, number them, and add a reason.