EPA Discussion Forums

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Other EPA social media guidance


Note: EPA’s official use of discussion forums is still evolving. We’re collectively learning from the variety of approaches to issues that our various discussion forums address. This guidance will be issued as a standard in the Fall 2010.  Your comments and suggestions will be used to keep the processes and best practices current and up-to-date. The Office of Public Affairs (OPA) and the Office of Environmental Information (OEI) will discuss potential changes with the EPA Twitter community before issuing changes.


Note: Remember that your official activities on-line are subject to the ethics regulations as well as other federal and agency laws, policies and regulations.  In addition, existing policies and guidance for accessibility, privacy, external site links, cookies and writing style apply to social media tools as well. References to these are included at the end of this document.


Background: What is a Discussion Forum?

A discussion forum, built on a blogging platform, is an on-line site where readers are invited to respond to your formal or semi-formal concepts or questions. It differs from a blog. A blog reader has the expectation of regular posts to which they can respond, the posts on a blog may pose questions, but are just as likely to convey information which the author feels is interesting or relevant. A discussion forum is created expressly to generate discussion or solicit opinions around a specific topic.


Contact: Your content coordinator should contact Kay Morrison in OPA’s Office of Web Communications (OWC) for approval of a discussion forum.


Why use a Discussion Forum?


Steps for Discussion Forums

Please read this entire document BEFORE you begin. This document describes the general process and standards for developing EPA discussion forums:



Requests for discussion forums should be reviewed and approved by OWC before you begin posting content. Read this entire document before you begin.

Get approval from:

  1. Your manager; and
  2. Your content coordinator (see http://www.epa.gov/webgovernance/leadership.html to find your content coordinator); and
  3. OWC (your content coordinator will get this for you).


Create and manage your Discussion Forum

1. Build in sufficient time for setting up your discussion forum


2. Define your strategy (your content coordinator will use the answers to these questions to secure approval from OPA and OGC will use the answers in their review)


NOTE: When asking questions to generate conversation among your community, be sure your questions are open ended to avoid having to file an information collection request (ICR) with OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA).  For more information about ICRs, check out the Information Collection Request Center.

Responses posted by discussion forum participants can be handled in different ways depending on the purpose of the forum. You should state clearly in the forum (comments policy page, “About” page, or frequently asked questions page) how reader responses will be handled.

For example, if readers’ responses are part of informal information gathering, you would invite readers to “Share your thoughts” and also state that their responses will not be a part of any official decision making process.  If there is a docket, then you’ll explain how to access the docket to leave official comments.

EXAMPLE http://blog.epa.gov/cwaactionplan/


If readers’ responses are part of a formal process, you would invite readers to “Comment” and also state that their comments will be a part of any official decision making process. You should also state whether and how comments will become a part of the formal record or docket - for example, will you manually move their comments to a docket?  Before using a discussion forum for a formal process that involves submission of comments to a formal record or docket, contact your OGC attorney to discuss potential legal issues.

EXAMPLE http://blog.epa.gov/metalminingblog/


Determine how you’ll deploy the questions or topics. Often all your questions/topics are posted all at once, instead of on a regular, ongoing basis. Consider outreach mechanisms (email, Facebook posts, Greenversations blog post, etc.) that invite your readers regularly to share their thoughts. You might focus on one question or topic at a time, although all the topics are available throughout the period your discussion forum is open.

Be sure to state clearly what you intend to do with the responses your readers leave. Whether you consider their thoughts in your decision making process or engage with your respondents on an on-going basis, state your intentions and follow up on it.

If you plan to close your discussion forum be sure to state clearly the end date, note that the forum will continue to be available to read, and provide contact information if someone has questions about the discussion forum.


3. Write your content


4. Get approvals for your content

Your content should go through multiple approvals


5. Work with OEI to build your forum

Once your initial concept has been approved you can work concurrently with OEI to build your discussion forum on the agency’s blog platform.


Promote your content

To succeed with your discussion forum you need to let your audience know it is there. Use traditional and new means to get the word out. Reach out repeatedly throughout the open period of your discussion forum. Consider using:


Moderate comments

Ensure that you have at least one primary moderator and several back up moderators. Talk to people who’ve already managed discussion forums to find out how much time you should expect to spend moderating comments.




Close the forum & thank respondents


Other Observations

Keep a running list of “lessons learned” from the concept to completion. Your experiences will be useful to others interested in creating a discussion forum, and you may find them helpful when you’re ready to create another forum.

The Enforcement and Compliance program, in August of 2009, held a three week discussion forum on the Clean Water Enforcement Action Plan. A “table of ideas” document was published to summarize the comments received on their discussion forum, and other outreach efforts, and EPA’s response to them. The affiliations of the commentors to the forum is shown as “public.” The CWA discussion forum received about 150 responses.


Links to EPA Discussion Forums (some might no longer be accepting comments)












EPA Policy:




Additional resources: